Monday, April 27, 2009

it's a pig's world

but seriously... you can blame McMadison for not updating the blog. s'Technically her 'turn' to write, but I will pick up her slack (as usual). In The News... please stay away from these swine! They may seem harmless & mildly "slow-loris"-like cute but gorsh durn they're like the mafia of farm animals and will do you in like they did in some mexicans and migrant workers (La eMe-style).

pff!'s probably from all of that coffee they've been chugging down. Really now, Who gives a pig a cup o'joe? ...GILLY?!!

Pondering in the Wake of a Soon-to-Be Epidemic*,
*referring to the gilly+pig + coffee, not the already pandemic pig disease. (adendum 4/28)

Kimberley, M.D.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

happy easter all!

be lazy, like us. forget about egg hunting, dying, indulge in some sugary treats and sleep in ALL DAY LONG.

and kill some time learning how to make life juss a lil' bit prettier.

-The Easter Bunny

Friday, April 3, 2009

goodbye facebook, hello newest internet obsession

one word. new obsession. what is it? Simon Rich. who's that? 24, writes for SNL, Harvard graduate, two published novels. what does this mean to you? MADDIE IS THE CREEPIEST STALKER PERSON YOU KNOW AND YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR FACEBOOK PRIVACY SETTINGS NOW creepy but convenient. now let's crank out our novels and get them to puffin books asap!

Simon writes for the NEW YORKER, hilarity ensues. my new best friend. sorry madz

second obsession. supa-dupa. my head and my heart!

Video ho's killed the radio star

-check yo'self befoa you wreck yo'self, checked but still wrecked :(

Mad-cube. so chill or wateva. surrounded by Roflcopters (xo kim)