Monday, March 30, 2009

Fan update

You would only know this if you religiously follow our recent twitter- kimandmadz- which i know you do... anyhoo, i wrote that we just rock paper scissored to see who would take a shower first (best 2 outta 3 for those as curious as mr. button) and i said that i'd lost.

it was a close battle but after 4 repeats of the same pattern (scissors, paper, rock, paper, scissors), alas poor yorick- my little rock fist was beaten by the Hammer of Grabthar (aka Maddie's sly paper hand)

This game never really made sense to me. a rock cannot be beaten by paper. pff..anyway she's out now so i'm gonna get sudsy (like this guy!)

-Kimber of the Buttercup fields and Sparkly Castles

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Attention DaPunchees! New update as of 4:17. We each didn't want to individually have a twitter (how lame) so now you can follow the lives of your favourite two Best Friends!: Da TWITTAAH

Gruesome Lurv Arwayz,
Kimber & Mad Is On... the P.O.D. (picture of the day) is unrelated.

da dance

This post probably will not interest anyone but favorite dance videos on the interwebzzz

1. Misha Gabriel - Combo to "We Gonna Win" - Miri Ben Ari
Ack! Violins!

2. Tony Testa - "Phone Home" Lil Wayne

-homeboy is insane. Tony Testa is beast!

3. Bobby Newberry - "Breaking Dishes" by Rihanna
-The fiercest Gay in LA...Bobby Newberry. I'm actually dancing in this video (where's waldo?)

4. Blake McGrath - "Gimme More" Britney

My other favorite Gay! I think I actually learned this combo, I may be one of the girls standing awkwardly along the sidelines...

5. Tight Eyez
I would give up all my vital organs to be able to krump. Until then, I'll just keep doing it "white girl" style... "what chest pop! what! omgz! so buck! ahahah"

6. Dee Caspary

This man is my idol slash mad genius.