Thursday, December 31, 2009

Harpy Newr Yerr everybody! punch! PUNCH! punch!!!!

Boy have we got some great punches ahead. K.O.'s, T.K.O.'s, snogging.. Agnus...thongs and all that fun stuff in a bag, we'll punch your christmas lights out! (which will be convenient if mom and dad forgot to take them down and the month has somehow skipped to june) ...we're judging you, parents!

Anywarz, i've been playing a lot of Wii at home with my Mii, a befreckled friend who is my exact in the virtual world. Madison has one as well, and it looks EXACTLY like here. hilar (if only i had a screen shot to show of it!) one day perhaps. If you ever want to challenge me to brain academy, I'd be down. Because My brain is Quite Massive according to the little peanut headed teacher with a moustache. Visual please? Ta-Da!

As far as movies go, I saw Sherlock Holmes two days after it's debut on Xmas and thought it was a decent take on the infamous literary detective (though not As exciting or innovative with the twists as I had hoped for), anything with RDJ surpasses the soggy waffle criteria (which goes: soggy waffle, wet noodle, mac 'n cheesy, shepard's pie, to pumpkin pancakes--the all-star highest rating). Yes, I just made that up. But truly, it put on a good show and Mr. Cheated With the Maid- Law was a lovely and smart addition to the film.

Moving on to the tele- lots of Mr. Bean, Friends, Iron Chef, Launch My Line and, well, let the following speak for itself.

At home I've been frequenting "The Disney Channel" as per usual, hovering specifically around "The Wizards of Waverly Place" trying to decide if David Henrie is gay or not. According to "Cha" a site that is quite unreliable and sketchy, the answer is No. but one can't be sure. All in all, my favourite still remains Raviv Ullman. I've definitely blogged about this before, but he's still a highlight of people to befriend in the near future. Madison...any comments?

Lots of good thoughts and feelings for the coming of 2010, and especially due to it being the YEAR of Graduation (which has finally arrived, godsavethequeen!). Life proves once more to be cyclical, though most would argue that it is linear what with the creation of 'time' and such--something we've come to learn I don't really buy into. I wonder at which point we will all end up regenerated cells.

We, brains, moving our bodies. Multiple cells tiny microscopic organisms, bacteria, molecules, etc. and 'spirits' making up our human life forms. After having read "The Calcutta Chromosome" (and Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" which I recommend greatly) as well as attended my first Hindu wedding, I am beginning to think that reincarnation isn't so farfetched. Because if we are just matter, mind, and 'spirit' then we will easily live on, forever, in a different way, and all of our friends and family who've left us (and so many have in the recent times) are also more alive than they ever were before.

FTWolf - Kimberley

Monday, December 28, 2009

expanding madison's struggle

In response to Madison's blog--it's true. Too True. 2-2ru. this is an interesting point and i'd like to expand on it a bit further, let it soak on an applicable 'fieldwork' basis. Everytime i'm at an audition for so-and-so commercial (Coca-cola for example) and i'm in the lobby next to fellow (and often older) actors and actresses, we engage in a light chitchat. Some call this the part in which each actor tries to psych the other out by talking incessantly about their careers and how far along they've come and asking how many auditions they've been on, if they've booked, etc (industry gossip). i would say this is the 'struggling' part of my 'currently in progress' career. And then they get to asking YOU questions. Cool. I often respond with "well, great. I just got a callback for so-and-so director, currently doing the acting thing but still in school, about to graduate, exciting stuff ahead..blahblahblah", just something kind after my curt introduction, and then i'll get back to memorizing my sides and prepping individually.

And then 'reality' hits. These mid-20 to 40 yr olds are trying to book this commercial to pay the rent while I am a college student AND actress just dipping my feet around before fully plunging into it [the madness]. I think it is safe to say that everyone is struggling "IN THESE ECONOMIC TIMES", but maybe we use entertainment careers as an excuse. For example, by telling people how exclusive it is, how hard the 'struggle' is to get in, we are inadvertently strengthening the perception of "prestige" in the business and thereby hopefully lessening the competition into said career (by disheartening our fellow actors and screenwriters etc.). I feel like entertainment is just as accessible as any other job (though this is only from having met a lot of people in the business). If you really want to do anything, you will do it regardless of how hard it is.

I kind of really believe this. Especially with all of the interviews of industry professionals that I have been conducting over the past two yrs of college. Once you hear their opinions and stories of 'how they made it' you realize it's not really about "the struggle" or pursuit. And it's definitely not listening to the downside of 'entertainment careers' because there are downsides to every career. It's about figuring out what you want and being confident in it.

I can't say that acting is any more difficult to book jobs in than journalism or medicine. A low-paying job as a writer is probably equivalent to Extra work (no one really likes doing it, but its a job). Perhaps I'm disillusioned, insane, or really out of my league here (at least my parents would say so), but I firmly believe that if you really are passionate about something, anything (be it job, or living situation, etc) you will pursue it. Change what you don't like. "Life is what you make of it"...yada? I know, I'm a genius.

Anyway, I absolutely find it ridiculous when the actors 'banter' about in the pre-audition lobby for whatever's just so unnatural the way they (we?) speak to one another. But secretly, I love how so many different people, different ages, etc. are present, and how many stories they have to tell (actors, take it from me, have so many stories. Sometimes i make mine up). They've got agents. They've made it to the audition. And even if they seem so unlikely to succeed in the business (who are we to judge?) they know what they want, and they keep going on these auditions regardless of whether or not they book (that's the first step). There's just something so incredibly exciting about acting (for me) that I know i'll always be doing it.

Here's to booking in the New Year! *champagne clink*

One more thing: It's very strange that people assume you will perform for free, whenever, instantaneously. When they find out you're in entertainment they want to judge immediately: "you do improv? let's see you improv!" What am i a monkey? Nay' suh! For a pretty penny, perhaps. but would i ever ask a surgeon to show me how to perform his surgery? A magician never reveals his tricks.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the struggle

hi it's me. maddie.

where did the term, "struggling actor" or "struggling writer" come from? Why is nobody a "struggling plumber" or "struggling doctor"? huh?

Most people in LA are struggling "whatevers."

"yah, I'm working at starbucks, but what I really wanna do is write. I guess you could say im a "struggling writer" haha gotta put bread on the table, you know how that is..."

Imagine this conversation as follows:

"Well I'm living at home and collecting unemployment, but I'm hoping to be a dentist one day. My family calls me the "struggling dentist" of the family. I guess I'm the black sheep. hah."

Why is an artist in pursuit of their career allowed to be "struggling"? Why does that preface make it somehow a psuedo-career whereas everyone else is just unemployed until they reach their desired occupation? Why are some careers allowed to struggle for the first few years?

Because the "struggling" preface is only paired with actors, writers, artists, directors (maybe) is highly reflective on the "LA" lifestyle.

I like to categorize LA people as unemployed elitists. Angelenos are self-aware yet undeservedly pretentious. Mind you, I consider myself a part of this superifcial culture and can lash insults as a part of this in-group. The LA person thinks too highly or him/herself and this self reverence is unwarranted especially because most of us are "struggling" to "make it" i.e. unemployed or working at restaurants.

Because so many of us are quote-un-quote struggling, we should be alot more humble. When asked "what do you do?" why can't we answer honestly and say "my parents pay my rent currently so I can write screenplays on my laptop." Real talk, yo. Instead of the answer we do give, "Oh, I'm a 'struggling screenwriter'..." C'mon Los Angeles. Let's all stop thinking so highly of ourselves??

Now, I'm not condoning that you stop pursuing you're dreams. Not at all. And when asked what you want to do with your life, tell people you want to be an actor and not just that you work at a coffee shop.

But for realsies? Who began coining the term "struggling"? Let's just classify the entire 22-28 year old age bracket as "struggling professional person" and eliminate the confusion.

career got you down? yah, me too.

Oh, happy holidays.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

back from Sandy Eggo

now that i'm back (me being Kimberley, hi there!) i think it is an appropriate time to seize the day (seize everything!) . i drove from LA-SD back to LA in a span of 3 days, i've eaten at the infamous "hash house" which is potato-hash madness, and i've watched the baby seals bounce along the sandy beaches whilst the sun set in the b.g. alongside my good friends Robbie and Matt..and Madison. We had a bff-bff day, essentially.

to move from the topic of the San Diego to more important news (a.k.a. bragging about premiere-going) right after my last in-class final on Wednesday the 9th, 2009 i went straight to the premiere of NINE featuring Nicole Kidman (who had crazy hair), Fergie (I don't think this is something to be proud of), and Penelope Cruz (who is beautiful in-person as she is on-screen. and que!). Other celebs were meandering in the audience including the agent from Entourage, Jeremy Piven, etc. etc. The reason why I write of said event is mainly to warn you that it is not a very good movie. I felt (being a trained musical-theatre aficionado) that it was sub-par and decent at best. The music was nothing original, the lyrics were mostly about the women singing about their love for "GUIDO" repeatedly, and the entire plot was quite cookie-cutter Hollywood.

It wasn't 'Moulin-Rouge'-crazy or even 'Evita'-good which I had been expecting. The acting was just o.k. Marion Cotillard was the best, and the main character, whatshisface ...Daniel Day Lewis, did not pull of an Italian accent. And as much as I love Judy Dench, the dame, her French-accent was horrid. Could they not have hired a real french actress for the role? GAGZ

This was the only good number show-wise (and fergie had a pretty good voice in her song):

but WAIT! I couldn't help thinking of this song. They sound Quite similar except Kate Hudson in 'Nine' tended to speak more than she sang. Also, I prefer Madonna to Kate anyday. anyway.

Ciao Bellissima/Bellissimo!!

ps. if you're bored: young chevy chase or 13-yr old fashion blogger TAVI

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Anecdote

Kimberley here. Kimberley there. and then there's the bear...

From when I was about 5-8 every Christmas my family and I would go to Bermuda to stay with our grandparents who owned the “New Queen Restaurant”, a popular Chinese food stop for local regulars, Asians, and rich, white people looking for fine Asian cuisine. To my brother and I, Bermuda Christmas' meant unlimited servings of lemon meringue pie, fresh fish and chips, and anything we asked the cooks to make us. It consisted of fun trips to the Botanical gardens, fishing for sharks, and dozens of presents supplied by my grandparents, aunts, uncles, & as they’d have us believe, “Santa”. I was convinced that I must’ve been pretty up on the “Nice” list due to my ample gift supply, which, compared to my brother’s, was at least 6-7 presents more.

My favourite gift of all was a stuffed bear sporting a red striped shirt and patchy jean-overalls. I named him “Beary”, we became inseperable. The cool thing about Beary was that he recorded and repeated sounds when I pressed his hand. So, during a late-night karaoke party, I decided it would be fun to record my grandmother. Like magic, Beary could finally sing… Or screech, depending on how you like Chinese opera. I showed all of Bermuda my new best friend--the waiters, the hotel workers, and flaunted especially to my brother, who was super envious of my cool new toy. On the plane back to Canada, after giving an impromptu Beary concert to showcase his talent to the rest of the cabin, my mother took him away from me. And when she finally gave him back, I pressed his little hand. Nothing. I tried again but again, no sound came out of him. Beary was dead.

A Prime example of Chinese Opera for the fearless:

This is a true story,

Princess Kimberley of the Bermuda Triangle

Other gifts included: doodle jean-bear (he came with fabric markers), christmas wreath earrings, christmas bell earings, a cat with an egg-shaped christmas ornament pendant that sung "joy to the world" upon pressing a little button, red velvet dress, more stuffed animals (a rabbit, a Bermuda treefrog with a camera), stocking filled with stuffer-gifts, an advent calendar (of which i proceeded to eat upon realizing that it was already the 24th), and some more that i can't remember off the top of my head

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


fictional tweets from famous people!

Barack Obama:
with @firstladymichelle and the girls, about to get dinner. Just balancing the budget and watering the lawn. Anybody know where I can get good fried chicken in DC?

Al Gore:
Taking the prius to the dealership. Someone broke in and stole the stereo = lameee.

Spike Jonze:
Rethinking the marketing strategy for #wherethewildthingsare. I'm now getting recognized too often, but only when I'm in Silverlake???? The studio said the demographic was 12 year olds?

Santa Clause:
sooo drufnkstz, lololololol. eigg nogg FTW!!!!1

sincerely yours,

Madison Leigh.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Ever since Everett left the apartment upstairs, Madison and I have been indulging in his free catalogs from Barneys--getting the "what's IN" on the fashion scene, glamrock, and ikea-like cb2 mags for better home-making and living decor. As we both have learned from Everett's obvious taste in fashion and living, not to mention our recent jaunt to Seattle, WA...the gays know how to live it up.

Despite the famed "sleepless" nightlife of frequenting the bars and clubs, we quickly learned that the "straight" life was NOT at all popping. Yes, there were men. Yes, many were of the 'woodsy scruffed-lumberjack meets potentially hipster yet not pretentious' type aka Maddie's future husband, but were they under 30? Probably not. And being surrounded by our new friends (and trust me, all 20 of them were beautiful gay men) did not help our cause to find said spouse.

Instead, we started the night at 7 with a light dinner followed by a bit of R-place, Barca bar (the ONLY straight bar we went to, for 10 minutes), Purr, and Cuffs (a "leather" club for gays, some of whom were "fifty and creepy"). We didn't complain though, because gays love us. Why? My theory is that they are drawn to my cuteness and the ability to pick me up and twirl me around a few, while Maddie..well, they just love Maddie.

In the end, we went to all of these bar/clubs (minus Barca) every single night. Even the coat-check trannies (in drag and white facepaint) remembered us which may-or-may-not be something to boast about.

Sure, Stephen took us around to the shops, U-Dubb's campus (university of washington), thrift stores (Red Light), and the Space Needle from afar...and yes, we definitely took his hiphop class with two 40 year old cougars and two middle-school girls...but the taste Seattle has left in our below-40 cold mouths is one of rainbows and gay men in undies.

Something to look forward to on your next trip to the best coffee-brewing capital! Oh, and a massive shout out to OWL CITY for playing on the radio a jazillion times with pride.

Friday, October 16, 2009



hay 'merica.

as of late i've been mildly nostalgic. But not the "remember-christmas-of-'98" nostalgic, this kind of nostalgia I have occurs whenever Halloween is near. For some reason, this holiday stirs up the most unearthed emotions in me. That aside, that brings me to the topic of todays blog.

What your Halloween costume says about you!

If you dress as a...

Witch: Your mom bought your costume on sale from Rite-aid 30 minutes before the neighbors annual halloween party. You are mostly female and are probably 11.

Anything Slutty: You drink from red cups at frat parties and probably have a belly button piercing. You like talking about your ex-boyfriends and the only TV show you watch is HEROES or LOST.

A pirate: You are just a girl wearing black and red and an eye patch.

Tobias Funke: You are cool and don't mind sacrificing your jeans into "cut-offs." You are at least 20 and probably see movies at Laemmles.

Tom Cruise in Risky Business: You forgot to think of a Halloween costume but have access to a large white dress shirt and you wear Ray-Bans anyways. (i.e. See me and Kim's costumes from last years HARD)

ANY Historical Figure: You are either a 7 year old boy and your professor dad dressed you as Thomas Edison (complete with kite and electricity skid marks) OR you are a highschool student who hates PE but likes eating in the teachers classroom during lunch.

Max from "Where the Wild Things are": You probably saw this movie at midnight last night. You like Pabst Blue Ribbon and showing your friends cool videos on the internet - (but not videos of cute kittens or puppies)

that is it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Double Trouble

This is next up on my queue. So far I've rewatched "Ever After" and "The NeverEnding Story". I'm looking forward to revisiting Hocus Pocus however, as I never made the connection that Sarah Jessica Parker (of Sex In The City) is the Blonde witch (who I used to admire and thought was super pretty aka tried to model myself after...sooo dumb). ALSO...I'm going to try to find Mary Kate and Ashley's Halloween film "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" . So good, I recommend you do the same! Tally Ho! -Kimberley

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Charleston Willy

Don't you hate when a book comes out with a "translated version" that sucks 100 fold worse than the original? Simply put, I do.

It's like, you might as well be watching a dubbed version of Harry Potter with chapped lips (the lack of Cherry Chapstick being the kicker).

AND...(starting with a conjunction to show my heady disapproval) Although the people in the theatre might not be laughing at the right parts, at least a v.o. (version originale) beats lips moving out of synch to "Helly Potta or Hairy Pothole" or whatever absolutely-Wrong pronunciation is uttered. Case-in-point : "Kiffe Kiffe demain" by Faiza Guene.

Here we have a wonderful little story about a troubled youth who comes from the ghettoed projects, trying to find her way to womanhood. There are so many pop and cultural references specific to France (especially the slang and lingo used) that merely does not reciprocate on the American translated take, that they should never have translated my Livre de Poche in the first place! No one should ever be required to Buy or Read Kiffe Kiffe
à l'Anglaise.

Why? Need I go on? Because it loses it's spunk, it's cool, it's pizazz and turns into a limp noodle. In laymen's or rather ghetto speak ..I don't want no top ramen shiat! Yada? For the more hardcore, ebonify your lingo, like so: "
ah don' like it at all what 'chew trippin foo'"

It could also be due to the loss of humor in the translated version...jokes just don't deliver, lines sound unnatural. No one in their right mind would talk like that. In this next example, you will see what I mean and nod your head, then jump off a cliff like all good lemmings do.

Ok, this is kind-of a weak example, but I randomly selected a pg. so ya get whatcha get!:

"Even if i think Mme DuSomethingorother's a fool too, at least she does a better job of playing social worker to the local poor"(9)

Here's the original: " Mme Duquelquechose, m
ême si je la trouve conne, elle joue mieux son role d'assistante social de quartier qui aide les pauvres" (19)

...conne is a much stronger word than fool. this is probably the sorryest example i could find but you catch my drift ya?

I'd also like to point out the inconvenience of American books being all-different-sizes. Most books in France are all the same size (depending on the type) so they fit cute and perfectly on the bookshelf.

Plus they're small and easy to carry on the metro, so more people read them. I'm just being biased here, but it makes a lot of sense. Doesn't it bother you when a bookshelf is full of awkwardly sized books? Just me then? Alright...

I understand the argument that people who Don't read french need the means to access the book, thus a terrible bastardized version of it should rightfully be available....but it hurts just a little bit. I wish there were some sort of way to learn the common languages- Spanish, German, French, Chinese, English, Italian the quickest and easiest way possible.

Although this is too idealistic, if Everyone knew more languages, we'd become more well-rounded people and have access to more information, more resources, more human communication. Perhaps the cynics and xenophobes will criticize me for this, but wuteva mang!

I wonder if some of the smartest people know the most languages? That would make a lot of sense to me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

gabbing gabby...Kimberley Rants about Rats and Feral Cats

I've been wondering about the rat situation in Los Angeles lately.

Is there one? Do they exist?

Only in sewers, perhaps.

But I imagine rats multiply rather quickly, thus you (predominantly I) wonder just HOW MANY rats there are and if they ever do come out into the open and Why are they such unsanitary critters? It Fascinates me to the bone that they are virtually in every major city and get around quite easily, or seem to (ie. the Bubonic Plague, boats to/from Italy, etc). I wonder if they are as nice as Remy from Ratatouille! (Not really... i'm just being dumb on this little rant here).

Upon further investigation (as I pondered whether the City and the Greater Los Angeles Area put out traps, pesticides, or had some sort of scientific and urbanly planned devices at play) I found THIS! : "Just in Case You and Your Home are Suffering from Rats" --I would have titled it. I almost (al-moooost) feel sorry for those guys, they get a real bad rap from the media (excluding Remy, of course...)

Apparently, however, there ARE systems at work (just like the magical unseen workers who cut the university grass at late hours for our next-day viewing pleasure)...the Rat Patrol. More formally known as the LAPD's FERAL CATS.

I wonder if they look as deadly as this and if so, then well, i guess it makes sense that rats would flee from fear.

I'm happy to be a Human.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Da Beezy Bronx Beat

Whilst in France (Lyon to be exact), I learned how to make crêpes with a Normal Pan, Normal Flour, Normal Butter, and Normal Sugar. That's all it requires really, pretty simple actually. It is the best drunk food for french people and every french person (me included) knows How to Make Crêpes. I plan on starting a chain of crêperies in the States around college-y look out for that America.

[ The Pikachu above is what turned up on google when i searched "Lyon + Cr
êpes"...apparently this biosphere burger company puts edible PRINTS on your food. sooo cool. ]

In response to Madison's post of all things quotidien, this is my short European take on day-to-day tomfoolery (it's longer, too long... but slightly more exciting):
2:00 pm : Wake Up. Look at my cellphone for the time. Go back to sleep.

2:15 pm : Wake Up for realz. Realize that the day's almost over and shit, I have three missed calls/texts

3:00 pm: Look mildly presentable and go out to scavenge for food.
3:15 pm : Eat a whole falafel and coke (which cost a total of 8 euros, the equivalent of $12 and consequentially counts for both breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner) and feel very, happily stuffed.

4:00 pm : Walk around on the cobblestone narrow streets and wonder why I don't just live here forever.
4:30 pm : Try to find a Frenchman worthy of making my spouse.

4:45 pm : Realize there are just too many good looking men here that I could never pick just one. And continue to flirt with Number 13 in a mixture of romance languages to show off my cool and sense of elite

5:00 pm : Hit the bars with some mates (mostly on Mabillon street, probably "The Frog and Princess" English pub) for some barfood (which consists of cheesy nachos and buffalo wings) and Happy Hour prices (5 euros versus the usual 10 euro cocktail)
6- 11 pm : Go to the club and dance with boys. Get asked if I would like a drink. Accept. Talk for a bit, say thank you, and politely excuse yourself to find your friends (but maybe exchange numbers if he was really a future possibility)

12 am : Get some cr
êpes. Maybe hit up that absinthe bar we always go to in the Bastille area.

1 pm : Decide if we should stay out until the metro reopens (5 am) or run to the metro which closes...Now.
2: 00 am : Missed the metro. Buy some illegally-bought 2 euro wine (no sales past 11 pm) and
go to the Seine to wait out the next 3 hours.

4: 00 am : Only one hour to wait. Everyone is drunk or hungover. Time seems to move at the pace of a dying snail.
4:30 am : Less than a half hour to wait, but we are so damn tired and it is so unbearingly cold that we hail a taxi and go back to the hotel for some zzz's.

2:00 pm : Wake Up and "do it all over again".

Monday, July 13, 2009

halo congo drummer

wowee powee mr. contowwee, MADZ's summer time and the livin's easy...well not really... mr. contaoi was this high school teacher all the girls swooned over.

Kimmy Wong is viva la france (It's actually "Vive la France"... or "allez la chatte" ;) i bolded words our general audience may not know and should look up in a dictionnaire)

and I, maddie, am viva la... two part time jobs, internship, and summer school? Hooray for being over-worked! and hurrah for your new haircut! it's SO camilla belle. and now joe's single so Get It Gurrl!

However, that is not the crux of this bloggy. I realized that neither Kim nor I have updated in a while, ('cept I just noticed Kim's ode to Mr. Michael Jackson, very telling and compelling Ms. Wong, I like). I write it like it is..nice use of rhyme

So anyways, my goal by the end of college is to have a "list" or an "open letter" published to Mcsweeneys, so I must write prolifically until I acheive said goal. Alas I am stymied, what to write? IDK ( bff jill?). she means Kim. it's obvi code. So on the theme of maddie's-summer-is-actually-less-relaxing-than-the-school-year, I'm going to make a "day in the life" entry, or a "itinerary" of my day, because you all care what I did today...obvi, so.

Any given day for Madz this summer:
8:30 am: wake-up
8:45 am: check facebook and realize I have less than 3 new notifications, immediately feel sorry for myself. mostly from me...adds to the pity
8:47: Walk into the kitchen and try to remember the last time I had eggs for breakfast.
8:48: Decide I had eggs two days ago and thusly (this isn't a word) don't want to increase my cholesterol intake.
8:48 30 seconds: Eat cereal.
8:57 Check my email.
9:05 blow dry my hair and find something other than cut-off shorts that I can wear to work.
9:35 Drive to Beverly Hills
9:55 Make weird jokes with the middle aged hispanic valet guys at internship.
10:00-7:00 Stare at computer at internship. Ocassionally (mad SP alert) bind scripts together, transfer phone calls (sometime famous people! egads!) get coffee, burn DVD's, accidentally hang up on important people while I try to transfer a call, Get confused when I try to transfer a call, transfer a call to the wrong person, make mental notes to self that I should better learn how to transfer a call.
7:00 Drive home.
7:15 Arrive in westwood.
7:16 Have a headache
7:18 Force someone to hang out with me. me..
7:19 Make pasta
7:45 If aforementioned friend (me) does not feel pressure to hang out with me, then..I spend the rest of the night as follows
7:46 watch "True Blood" DVD's where? share the love.
8:46 Update my netflix queue. which she never shares with me
9:00 Pay off a parking ticket.
9:05 watch a movie on netflix
11:00 Feel sorry for myself and probably eat ice cream or take a shower. wait a scottish sec...we have ice cream? in the freezer? ..i'll be right back
12:00 go to bed.

I'm exaustingly lame. And you spelled exHausting wrong. sorry 'bout it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

beat it more than once, in honour of mj!

So it's weird living right by the UCLA medical center. I was on the shuttle back home when the bus driver stopped as a small crowd and crew of reporters crowded the new Reagan medical center.

"MJ is in the hospital due to cardiac arrest" said Driver Bill. Our doctor friends tell us he was probably gone by around 12 but that they kept him on the shockers til 3...(usually it is useless after about an hr and a half). It's sad to see such a huge american idol leave us.

My favourite memories will always be Mickey Jee as the scarecrow in The Wiz (musical version of wizard of oz)...along with my black keyboard i received as a kid that came with the Autosong "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and a music book with THIS picture on the cover: (see above)


To focus on a slightly brighter (though still bitter-sweet) side, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who has always been a hottie since his 3rd Rock from the Sun days is Still Awesome. According to non-reliable sources (aka wikipedia) he is Jewish and 28. In Da Punch terms, he's Quite Desirable (QD!).

"500 days of Summer" is a ridiculously true-to-life journey of changing jobs (following your passions) and falling for someone-liking them more than they will ever like you.

It's painful to watch due to the real-factor. The entire character of Tom goes through the slow meet, the crush, the set-up of knowing what he's getting into, the falling, and the crash. I wanted to cry in a slightly heart-pang-y way (as in the movie "UP") but my shoulder-buddy was not around so I managed to keep cool. My strings are still sore from being pulled, and relating to this movie is like going through those feelings all over again. Worth it, but sucky. Swurtky.

It's almost 2 am. Watch it, you won't regret it. And men, Zooey Deschanel is in it. And she looks the same, live, so...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Is that a chinchilla ...IN A BOWL?! (baby!) Tiny critter found covered in baking flour, scrambling the sides of a tupperware container while winking seductively.

...This is the perfect lede into our post of the morn! Many of our followers and secret stalkers (it's okay, we still love you) have been telling us that they really enjoy our twittering and that they think they can tell which one of is posting/when. Well well well, so you think you have us all figured out Do Ya?!

I guess you'll never Really Know ....but since we are very on and off about who posts next ('pick of the hat' MacGyver style (macgruber we've only got 4 minutes!)) here's a little hint.

These 2 sample tweets were by Kimberley:

The Room tonaahght. TONYBONES. MARKARK. SHANEMANE. RIGGSBIGS. and more. "hi doggie"

just arrived in da city of sins. kims bday tomoz

These posts, by Madison:

had a daydream about a lot of poodles. so chill. (true story.)

GIRL TALK last night. Dancing on the stage. TONIGHT - Maddie dancing at 7 in AGB for FAST Fashion Show. hayy
(in case this is confusing, i was dancing on stage with girl talk. just fyi. jealous or whateva?)

abuse that as you may.

We are outskies,
Kimberley.. and Madison (the two compadres of Chinchilla Dome (ehh word choice kim?) Land)

...From the author of "if you give a pig a pancake, if you give a mouse a cookie, if you give a moose a muffin" comes "if you give a chinchilla a bowl of flour..." dun-dun duhhhhn!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

it's a pig's world

but seriously... you can blame McMadison for not updating the blog. s'Technically her 'turn' to write, but I will pick up her slack (as usual). In The News... please stay away from these swine! They may seem harmless & mildly "slow-loris"-like cute but gorsh durn they're like the mafia of farm animals and will do you in like they did in some mexicans and migrant workers (La eMe-style).

pff!'s probably from all of that coffee they've been chugging down. Really now, Who gives a pig a cup o'joe? ...GILLY?!!

Pondering in the Wake of a Soon-to-Be Epidemic*,
*referring to the gilly+pig + coffee, not the already pandemic pig disease. (adendum 4/28)

Kimberley, M.D.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

happy easter all!

be lazy, like us. forget about egg hunting, dying, indulge in some sugary treats and sleep in ALL DAY LONG.

and kill some time learning how to make life juss a lil' bit prettier.

-The Easter Bunny

Friday, April 3, 2009

goodbye facebook, hello newest internet obsession

one word. new obsession. what is it? Simon Rich. who's that? 24, writes for SNL, Harvard graduate, two published novels. what does this mean to you? MADDIE IS THE CREEPIEST STALKER PERSON YOU KNOW AND YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR FACEBOOK PRIVACY SETTINGS NOW creepy but convenient. now let's crank out our novels and get them to puffin books asap!

Simon writes for the NEW YORKER, hilarity ensues. my new best friend. sorry madz

second obsession. supa-dupa. my head and my heart!

Video ho's killed the radio star

-check yo'self befoa you wreck yo'self, checked but still wrecked :(

Mad-cube. so chill or wateva. surrounded by Roflcopters (xo kim)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Fan update

You would only know this if you religiously follow our recent twitter- kimandmadz- which i know you do... anyhoo, i wrote that we just rock paper scissored to see who would take a shower first (best 2 outta 3 for those as curious as mr. button) and i said that i'd lost.

it was a close battle but after 4 repeats of the same pattern (scissors, paper, rock, paper, scissors), alas poor yorick- my little rock fist was beaten by the Hammer of Grabthar (aka Maddie's sly paper hand)

This game never really made sense to me. a rock cannot be beaten by paper. pff..anyway she's out now so i'm gonna get sudsy (like this guy!)

-Kimber of the Buttercup fields and Sparkly Castles

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Attention DaPunchees! New update as of 4:17. We each didn't want to individually have a twitter (how lame) so now you can follow the lives of your favourite two Best Friends!: Da TWITTAAH

Gruesome Lurv Arwayz,
Kimber & Mad Is On... the P.O.D. (picture of the day) is unrelated.

da dance

This post probably will not interest anyone but favorite dance videos on the interwebzzz

1. Misha Gabriel - Combo to "We Gonna Win" - Miri Ben Ari
Ack! Violins!

2. Tony Testa - "Phone Home" Lil Wayne

-homeboy is insane. Tony Testa is beast!

3. Bobby Newberry - "Breaking Dishes" by Rihanna
-The fiercest Gay in LA...Bobby Newberry. I'm actually dancing in this video (where's waldo?)

4. Blake McGrath - "Gimme More" Britney

My other favorite Gay! I think I actually learned this combo, I may be one of the girls standing awkwardly along the sidelines...

5. Tight Eyez
I would give up all my vital organs to be able to krump. Until then, I'll just keep doing it "white girl" style... "what chest pop! what! omgz! so buck! ahahah"

6. Dee Caspary

This man is my idol slash mad genius.