it is the start of yet another year and we, at da punch, feel as though the life has been drained out of us.
life is a constant attempt at finding our true interests and desires in the simplest actions and experiences... so we run. we run toward whatever we can and searching for peace and self-happiness, if not freedom from the unhealthy bits and the unfortunate events and interactions we might come across.
some of us run every day while others sleep in and dream... we do both.
it's a kind of a sort of a silly attempt to find "joie de vivre" and balance.
yet we cry, laugh, and smile about it taking in and letting out little breaths of it all, the incomprehension and the excellence. and if we can't do it alone, we get help from friends and fam, or we let edith -who never got a break- take care of us. No, we regret nothing: