The lot of you might be wondering lately "WHY DID MADI GET A SEPARATE TWITTER ACCOUNT?". what next? separate BLOGS?
and i'm terribly sorry...you'll have to ask madison herself.
we are still roomates. bffs. best gullies fo' lyfe...but the water is rising and our island of ridiculousthingsbestfriendsdotogether is slowly sinking. like venice...but heartshaped (she also threw out the matching bracelets i bought her so now half of the ship is missing..."friend" is floating in the toilet)
on My end, i will answer emosk8rkevin, 14 from Kentucky's question: "Who started it all anyway? Also where's the best place to buy sick trucks for my board?"
Well Kevin, I am the glorious creator/namer of both dapunch and of our twitter account . ... you're welcome.
KingCharles 54 of La Cienega asks: WHY kimberley? whyyy?
Good King Charles (if that is your REAL name) It was yet another lonely night in the crib waiting for maddie to come home. i was in front of old Dino, my pink vaio laptop, eating bitesized pizzapockets fresh from the microwave and wondering how many hours had passed since she'd left for work...that damned thing that makes you money. outside the sun seemed to instantly turn to moon. tired of waiting and in hopes of instant communication with the one i call DOG, i set up the JOINT twitter. then the JOINT blog. and my fascination with all things JOINT led to a bankaccount and the rest is history.
i mean TOTAL STRANGERS started sending large sums ($ well in the 1000's) to nondescript locations in black briefcases bedazzled with blood diamonds that spelled out "kimandmadz", it was as if the gods (we only subscribe to hephaestus, god of fire and juno, teen pregnancy character played by actress ellen page) were smiling upon us.
dogbonelover44 asks "are your feelings hurt?"
well dogbonelover--not really. maddie rarely tweeted, and when she did it was always about "dance class with somegirl aka not me" or "celebrity gossip" and "whatnot" so the only thing i'll miss is the anonymity joint-tweeting allowed us. now you'll KNOW it's me tweeting unless maddie happens to bombard the tweetstream with hobgob nonsense.
and strangely enough, our following went up by 1 twit after she left...so let's hope it's all uphill from hereafter!
that's all the time i have to respond to your questions today folks. it's been real. OH and before i forget, Kevin-- a good place to buy skateboard anything is at Flipside. I buy all my decks, waxes, griptapes, etc there...if you're close to Pacudah, Kentucky. and if you're single, there's bound to be an emogirl working the front registers for you...