They left for a short while... some sort of sabbatical-type deal, but they've returned with gifts for all! so here's a shout out to our boys JAKE AND AMIR!!!! (o twas a dream!)
Per their recent episode which you can find by clicking on the blue link, i should hope you all know how to french kiss or at least kiss someone passionately...
Nothing's worse than "too much tongue" .. just ask Maddie: angus, thongs and perfect snogging
If you don't know the art of romancing, no worries, here's one of my absolute favourite tutorial vids:
On a low note, Professor Ouchi says that all over the world (his research has shown) women dislike mcdonalds (o no....has he MET ME!), which, if this is a causal study, makes us non-women. Which is bad, because that means we are 1 of 3 things alphabetized below:
a. men
b. aliens or
c. nuggets
d. trannies
e. dead or
f. nicolas cage wearing john travoltas face.
...With a strong lean toward c (or F)...For readers who don't know what we look like, here is an old family-photo taken of us last reunion:

maddie likes to sport the blue fanny pack
i, however, am partial to the straw skimmer hat and barbershop quartet look...
Speaking softly and carrying a big stick,
Whispering delicately and holding a large branch,
maddie did not get that reference...
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