I've been wondering about the rat situation in Los Angeles lately.
Is there one? Do they exist?
Only in sewers, perhaps.
But I imagine rats multiply rather quickly, thus you (predominantly I) wonder just HOW MANY rats there are and if they ever do come out into the open and Why are they such unsanitary critters? It Fascinates me to the bone that they are virtually in every major city and get around quite easily, or seem to (ie. the Bubonic Plague, boats to/from Italy, etc). I wonder if they are as nice as Remy from Ratatouille! (Not really... i'm just being dumb on this little rant here).
Upon further investigation (as I pondered whether the City and the Greater Los Angeles Area put out traps, pesticides, or had some sort of scientific and urbanly planned devices at play) I found THIS! : "Just in Case You and Your Home are Suffering from Rats" --I would have titled it. I almost (al-moooost) feel sorry for those guys, they get a real bad rap from the media (excluding Remy, of course...)

Apparently, however, there ARE systems at work (just like the magical unseen workers who cut the university grass at late hours for our next-day viewing pleasure)...the Rat Patrol. More formally known as the LAPD's FERAL CATS.
I wonder if they look as deadly as this and if so, then well, i guess it makes sense that rats would flee from fear.
I'm happy to be a Human.