Whilst in France (Lyon to be exact), I learned how to make crêpes with a Normal Pan, Normal Flour, Normal Butter, and Normal Sugar. That's all it requires really, pretty simple actually. It is the best drunk food for french people and every french person (me included) knows How to Make Crêpes. I plan on starting a chain of crêperies in the States around college-y areas...so look out for that America.
[ The Pikachu above is what turned up on google when i searched "Lyon + Crêpes"...apparently this biosphere burger company puts edible PRINTS on your food. sooo cool. ]
In response to Madison's post of all things quotidien, this is my short European take on day-to-day tomfoolery (it's longer, too long... but slightly more exciting):
2:00 pm : Wake Up. Look at my cellphone for the time. Go back to sleep.
2:15 pm : Wake Up for realz. Realize that the day's almost over and shit, I have three missed calls/texts
3:00 pm: Look mildly presentable and go out to scavenge for food.
3:15 pm : Eat a whole falafel and coke (which cost a total of 8 euros, the equivalent of $12 and consequentially counts for both breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner) and feel very, happily stuffed.
4:00 pm : Walk around on the cobblestone narrow streets and wonder why I don't just live here forever.
4:30 pm : Try to find a Frenchman worthy of making my spouse.
4:45 pm : Realize there are just too many good looking men here that I could never pick just one. And continue to flirt with Number 13 in a mixture of romance languages to show off my cool and sense of elite
5:00 pm : Hit the bars with some mates (mostly on Mabillon street, probably "The Frog and Princess" English pub) for some barfood (which consists of cheesy nachos and buffalo wings) and Happy Hour prices (5 euros versus the usual 10 euro cocktail)
6- 11 pm : Go to the club and dance with boys. Get asked if I would like a drink. Accept. Talk for a bit, say thank you, and politely excuse yourself to find your friends (but maybe exchange numbers if he was really a future possibility)
12 am : Get some crêpes. Maybe hit up that absinthe bar we always go to in the Bastille area.
1 pm : Decide if we should stay out until the metro reopens (5 am) or run to the metro which closes...Now.
2: 00 am : Missed the metro. Buy some illegally-bought 2 euro wine (no sales past 11 pm) and
go to the Seine to wait out the next 3 hours.
4: 00 am : Only one hour to wait. Everyone is drunk or hungover. Time seems to move at the pace of a dying snail.
4:30 am : Less than a half hour to wait, but we are so damn tired and it is so unbearingly cold that we hail a taxi and go back to the hotel for some zzz's.
2:00 pm : Wake Up and "do it all over again".
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