now that i'm back (me being Kimberley, hi there!) i think it is an appropriate time to seize the day (seize everything!) . i drove from LA-SD back to LA in a span of 3 days, i've eaten at the infamous "hash house" which is potato-hash madness, and i've watched the baby seals bounce along the sandy beaches whilst the sun set in the b.g. alongside my good friends Robbie and Matt..and Madison. We had a bff-bff day, essentially.
to move from the topic of the San Diego to more important news (a.k.a. bragging about premiere-going) right after my last in-class final on Wednesday the 9th, 2009 i went straight to the premiere of NINE featuring Nicole Kidman (who had crazy hair), Fergie (I don't think this is something to be proud of), and Penelope Cruz (who is beautiful in-person as she is on-screen. and que!). Other celebs were meandering in the audience including the agent from Entourage, Jeremy Piven, etc. etc. The reason why I write of said event is mainly to warn you that it is not a very good movie. I felt (being a trained musical-theatre aficionado) that it was sub-par and decent at best. The music was nothing original, the lyrics were mostly about the women singing about their love for "GUIDO" repeatedly, and the entire plot was quite cookie-cutter Hollywoo

It wasn't 'Moulin-Rouge'-crazy or even 'Evita'-good which I had been expecting. The acting was just o.k. Marion Cotillard was the best, and the main character, whatshisface ...Daniel Day Lewis, did not pull of an Italian accent. And as much as I love Judy Dench, the dame, her French-accent was horrid. Could they not have hired a real french actress for the role? GAGZ
This was the only good number show-wise (and fergie had a pretty good voice in her song):
but WAIT! I couldn't help thinking of this song. They sound Quite similar except Kate Hudson in 'Nine' tended to speak more than she sang. Also, I prefer Madonna to Kate anyday. anyway.
Ciao Bellissima/Bellissimo!!
ps. if you're bored: young chevy chase or 13-yr old fashion blogger TAVI
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