Monday, May 9, 2011

The main differences between college and not college

Earlier in 2011, Kimberley wrote a humbling post about the trials and tribulations of doing this whole "following-your-dreamz-being-an-adult-thing." So now, it's my turn. In true to Maddie fashion (i.e. avoiding having emotions, turning something serious into something silly) here's my attempt at the "meow-here's-my-feelings-on-post-grad-euphoria" blog.

I give you, The Main Differences between College and NOT College.

In college you might hear this conversation on a Thursday night.

Person A: "It's Thursday. Wanna go to Bruco?"
Person B: "omigod I haven't been drunk since Tuesday. Yessssss. Hold on, I need to buy an American Apparel slut dress first."

In NOT college, you might hear this phrase on a Thursday night.

Person A: "It's Thursday, what are we doing?"
Person B: "Well, I have to be at my fake job (i.e. waitressing) tomorrow at like noon, so I kinda need my sleep..."
Person A: "It's ok. I know a bar where we can wear pants and not have to talk to anyone. We can also not even drink and go home at like 11.30pm"
Person B: "omigod. That sounds sooo goood. I'll not drink and drive all of us!"

In college, a normal diet consists of:
-LA Waters
-Those loaded steak fries from buck fiddies.
-Animal crackers from vending machines.
-soy milk.

In NOT college, a normal diet consists of:
-waiting for popsicles to melt and pretending to eat.
-expired soy milk.
kim: it should be noted that on more than one occasion, we took midnight runs to the local Ralph's to buy boxes of various-flavoured popsi's.

In college, every friday morning at 10am I made this phone call
me: "Hi, manager of Bubba Gumps? I'm sick (i.e. hungover) again and cant come in to work today. Thanks"

In NOT college, every friday morning at 10am I made this phone call
me: "Hi, this is Madison from Tower Energy group (i.e. the oil company). Your 401K investment portfolio has changed and I wanted to make sure your pay period deductions were correct. Thanks"

Things that are important to you in College:
-Running into one of the cast members from Entourage while you ate at Urth cafe on your lunch break from your internship at that production company.
-Having lots of campus "activities" and internships on your resume so that you'll have a job lined up right when you graduate. hah.
-Telling family friends about your "plans for the future."
-Not worrying.

Things that are important to you in NOT College:
-Listening to your mom's friends talk about "the older Vanderberg girl. She's living in LA? trying to be a writer? Comedy? What does she do again? I thought she went to college? What a shame."
-Working less than 25 hours a week and making the same amount of money as people who work 40 hours.
-wishing your parents never let you go to art high school or ever uttered the phrase "follow your dreams."
-NOT having to ever write a paper ever again that includes the words "socialization" "adolescents" and/or "early traumatic experiences" F*$# you UCLA sociology department.

Happy birthday 'Merica. Your welcome. <3Maddie

Much like Fondation Cartier's "Né dans la rue" exhibit in France, MOCA's "Art in the Streets" is all abuzz in the greater Los Angeles bourge. Graffiti in the museum, graffiti on the museum, tags, street art, pochoir, the whole 9 yards (though personally, i'm hoping for more). If I could study graffiti for the rest of my life, I would. If anyone would like to read my 50-page thesis on the globalization of graffiti, well, let me get it published first. We'll be punching about later this week, 'round thursday (cuz it's free after 5)!!! Stalkers welcome. Catch ya on da flip side!


p.s. anyone wanna cop some spray for me?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

judging you

If you watch "American Idol"...

...You are someones mother. You also refer to Steven Tyler as "Steven Tyler
from American Idol." Your facebook profile pic is of a dog wearing

If you watch "The Voice"...

...You are a dog wearing sunglasses.

<3 M