Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist is my new Juno, except now I'm totally over Juno because it's so lame or pretentious or whatever else everybody is hating about it nowadays.... (eew, ellen page)
I knew I was going to be obsessed with N&N the second it appeared on Michael Cera's IMDB page, (yes, I obsessively haunt the scrolls of IMDB checking up on my favorite bird-like imp) (aka hottie MC). Once I saw he had been cast as Nick, and that the movie was an adaption of a novel I rushed to the nearest Barnes and Noble (the one across from main place that we all went to during highschool!!!) (oh-shaah). I had anticipated buying the book, but since it was no larger than three issues of People magazine, I just read it in the store.
The book was kindof lame bonez, but I knew Cera would not disappoint on the silverscreen.
"Nick and Nora" tells the story of two "star crossed lovers" who share 24 hours in bliss and discouragement on a rampant search for their favorite band and Nora's drunken BFF. Plans go awry, people fall in and out of love, boys in skinny jeans make witty jokes, etc etc. (well said)
BUT what resonates the most in N&N's is it's simplicity and sheer "Oh how cute"-ness. Many a time I found myself shrieking in delight at every word out of Cera's mouth. If you thought he was endearing in Arrested Development and adorable in Juno, then you might just pee your pants at how painfully precious this plucky polly can purr (I really just wanted to take a stab at alliteration). (please put pasta on my plastic plate...eh..)
Some highlights are a couple of cameos (very brief) by some current SNL members. Get excited!
AND Kat Dennings is not super annoying. I was really encouraging myself to dislike her (Ahem...Ellen Page) (OMG LIAR! Madison loved Ellen Page until I made a convincing argument against it), buttt she's really good!!! (you said she's pretty)
If you enjoyed Charlie Bartlett, Before Sunrise, or the first time you saw Juno...then you will probably enjoy Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist!!!
kickin' it maverick style,
Madison Vanderberg
(BUT WAIT! you left out MY favourite part of the movie, the hot stereotypical jewish club-hoppers...look out for their new CD!)
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